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  • Get to know the meaning of your name!
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By Best Lifestyle Apps
Get to know the meaning of your name!
Name Meaning is a free, fun App designed to calculate and show the meaning of your name or any name. Try it out and find out what your name really means. Are you the sad/melancholic type? Or the happy/joyful? Find out with Name Meaning! You can also find out the Name Meanings for your favorite artists, singers, actors, celebrities, personalities and roles models!Learn about your name and number compatibility with other names and numbers. These meanings are the results of numerology, which basically is any study of the purported divine, mystical or other special relationship between a number and some coinciding observed (or perceived) events.Now you can share your name meanings just by clicking the share button. Name Meaning allows you to share with your friends and followers through and any social network, sharing app or texting app you have on your phone!Looking for a baby name? Figure out what it means with this app!Learn more about your love life, keywords that define you and how your name influences your life in both a positive and negative way! This app is not just a personality test, it uses the values of the letters of the given name and figures which unique number is related to the name thus revealing important facts about someone's personality.For this app to work correctly, you need to type the complete name, that is first, middle and last name(s) just as they are written in the birth certificate.Content rating: Everyone

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