
Bachelorette Parties Vol. 2, The

Released at: May 25, 2020 by Pulse Pictures
Bachelorette parties get wild! A bunch of hot chicks get together, get and then when a stripper enters the scene - watch out! These wild, horny girls practically maul the dancers! But they're fondling is gladly accepted and followed with blowjobs, handjobs and fucking! The dancer comes to party and make money, and ends up fucking a bunch of chicks while he's at it!

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Scene1: 00:00:40 - 00:28:48 (28:08)

Scene2: 00:28:50 - 00:54:59 (26:09)

Scene3: 00:55:01 - 01:22:43 (27:42)

Scene4: 01:22:45 - 01:50:00 (27:15)