

Released at: March 3, 2022 by Deeper
Hooking story that explores Ashley Lane's real-life fixation on agony and suspension in the world of Kink. A lawyer and his client tiptoe through a sensitive meeting as both sides struggle with the same barriers to communication that got them there in the first place. A chance one-night-stand runs awry when each party messily discovers the other's line of work. Not wanting to turn their backs on each other, the sex continues as each is afraid to call the other's bluff. Kenna muses on the way she's falling into the relationship as she loses track of her days spent in Manuel's bed.

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Scene1: 00:00:14 - 00:36:07 (35:53)

Scene2: 00:39:10 - 01:21:04 (41:54)

Scene3: 01:21:20 - 01:49:11 (27:51)

Scene4: 01:49:26 - 02:29:08 (39:42)