
PussyWoman 2

Uitgebracht om: 16 december 2010 bij Coast To Coast
The party's right smack in Paula's lap in the 2nd part of porn's hottest new series. Watch Paula's firedance of lust. Watch T.T. Boy shave Brittany! Watch sex in a motorhome, in two different houses, 3-way body painting, anal, masterbation, blowjobs, dildo'ing and much, much more! This is the 2nd part of sister Brittany's debut behind the camera, and she unleashes a torrent of sexual energy that even sister Paula has trouble compete with! In the words of Paula & Britt: PussyWoman is here and sister ~~ARE~~ doin' it for themselves...

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2 dagen streaming verhuur
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Scene1: 00:02:46 - 00:13:18 (10:32)

Scene2: 00:13:19 - 00:19:08 (5:49)

Scene3: 00:19:09 - 00:36:51 (17:42)

Scene4: 00:36:52 - 00:50:23 (13:31)

Scene5: 00:50:25 - 01:03:44 (13:19)

Scene6: 01:03:46 - 01:08:58 (5:12)

Scene7: 01:08:59 - 01:20:37 (11:38)

Scene8: 01:20:37 - 01:26:59 (6:22)