
Kisses Don't Lie

Uitgebracht om: 15 maart 2024 bij Alpha Blue Archives
The fiery brunette with the nasty disposition! KISSES DON'T LIE tells the story of Carol's insatiable lust and uncontrollable desires for passion. Let Carol Cummings and her horde of hot and bothered sexmates prove to you that even though sex may be impersonal-kisses don't lie. Not from HER lips.

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Scene1: 00:01:56 - 00:14:37 (12:41)

Scene2: 00:15:52 - 00:30:08 (14:16)

Scene3: 00:31:21 - 00:45:14 (13:53)

Scene4: 00:45:16 - 00:59:54 (14:38)

Scene5: 00:59:56 - 01:13:39 (13:43)