
Route 69 (Penthouse)

Uitgebracht om: 11 oktober 2022 bij Penthouse
Route 69 sounds like it might be a fun ride, and most of the time it can be. However, you never know what kind of shady characters will be hiding out in the cheap motels, just looking for the right moment to strike. So if you find yourself on Route 69 any time soon, have your fun and get the hell out, before your just another casualty.

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Scene1: 00:01:38 - 00:16:20 (14:42)

Scene2: 00:16:22 - 00:35:30 (19:08)

Scene3: 00:35:31 - 00:54:22 (18:51)

Scene4: 00:54:23 - 01:10:10 (15:47)

Scene5: 01:10:12 - 01:28:28 (18:16)