Exclusive interview with Becca Blossoms

14 maart 2011, door admin-fx

Becca Blossoms gives an exclusive interview to FreeOnes where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

Becca Blossoms

Why did you decide to start doing porn?
I wasn’t necessarily trying to get into porn, it was a fluke that worked out well for me. I was interviewing the porn stars at a fan appreciation party that Naughty America was throwing at a club in Chicago. When we were done, I said, “I’m going to talk to these people, the worst thing they can say is no.” I ended up talking to Laura who is a wonderful person. A month later, I was in LA shooting my first scene. The rest is history J

How did you break it to your parents that you got involved in adult entertainment? Do they know your stage name?
I think being 34 years old when I started, it was easier to tell everyone. I just put it out there and no one really gave me a hard time. I think it would have been a bigger deal if I were 18 with no education or life experience.

How did you choose your stage name? Is this your first stage name or have you had others?
I really just pulled it out of my ass. I didn’t give much thought to it. The only thing I knew was that I wanted it to be original. I didn’t want a name similar to someone else’s and I wanted it to be memorable. Becca Blossoms is my first and only stage name. It works for me so I have no need to change it.

What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen while on the job?
I’ve seen lots of funny stuff while on the job, how do I choose just one? I was shooting a scene with Ricco Strong, he’s a great guy. Right in the middle of the scene, he pulled out and my Nueva Ring was around his cock. It looked like a cock ring! I just took it off and threw it on a nearby desk and we got back to fucking.

If you find you’ll be paired with someone new, (that you haven’t met yet) Do you check their scenes out?
I check them out in lots of ways. I check out their pictures, their scenes, and I ask around about them. I’m totally nosey. Luckily, I’ve never been paired up with anyone who I didn’t like J

Do you have any idols or role models within this industry?
Of course. Some I have met, some I would love to meet. Laura, who is no longer with Naughty America, believed in me and just seemed to make things happen. She was there for my first scene and has offered advice. Jenna Jameson who I have never met. I’m really impressed with what she has been able to make of Lynn LeMay who has been a great friend and has always believed in me. Nina Hartley whom I’ve also never met however, her longevity in the business is admirable. Yesenia, who directed and done my make up on a lot of my Naughty America scenes, she has a great attitude, doesn’t take shit from anyone and seems to stay down to earth. I can go on for hours, there really are a lot of great people in porn.

What was the first porn you ever watched?
I really don’t remember which porn was my first, that was so long ago. I’ve seen a lot of porn in my life J

Is there anyone that’s retired that you wish you could have worked with?
I’ve never really thought about it. I prefer to look forward and think about working with those I actually might work with one day.

What is the biggest/weirdest object you’ve inserted in yourself to date?

Do you find dicks sexy, or just a tool to get the job done?
I find them sexy if their attached to a guy that knows how to use them J A nice dick that is attached to a guy that who doesn’t know how to use it is just a waste.

How do you unwind after a day on set?
I like to spend time with friends. When I shoot, I’m far from home in California so spending time with my friends that I don’t get to see very often is a great way to end the day.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
I think doing porn is pretty crazy J

Do women really have orgasms fantasizing about shopping?
I never have. There is no replacement for a good fuck or some good alone time.

Do you dream often? Is it color or black and white?
I do, I always have crazy dreams. It’s always in color.

Do you like the great outdoors?
I love to be outdoors, I love camping, running along the lake near my house, and just being outside.

Ninjas or pirates?
Pirates, there isn’t a Ninja as sexy as Captain Jack Sparrow.

If you only got one more meal, what would it be?
My Grandma’s homemade biscuit and gravy made in true southern style from bacon grease.

What’s the weirdest fact that you know?
A duck’s quack doesn’t echo.

Do you have any future ambitions?
Yes. I’m dabbling in different parts of the adult industry right now. I plan on finishing my degree in Psychology and offering services to those who work in the industry. It’s ironic how fucking for a living brought me back to my passion which is psychology.

Is there anything else you’d like FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
I’m a down to earth Midwestern mom, I enjoy a nice, quiet suburban life with my family.

Click here to visit Becca Blossoms on FreeOnes!

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