How to Get Started with Woodworking | Beginner's Guide

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025

Комментарии • 144

  • @CasualBuilds
    @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад +10

    Where are you along your woodworking journey?

    • @selimthedream
      @selimthedream 4 года назад

      I think I am right before beginning it. I had mad a cutting board from a piece of tree trunk (I didn't cut the tree) using only a chain saw and drum sander. I made it 3 years ago and still using it very happily. It took me a while to get it straight since I made the cut with a chain saw and I only managed to get one side working correctly. If and when I get a planer I will certainly get it working on both sides.
      Now that I got that story out of the way; I actually want to do more but having trouble buying the equipment. I have a drill and plan to buy a circular saw soon. I want to do some easy projects in hopes of getting funds for more tools. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Great story, thanks for sharing! Coasters are great, wine holders, cutting boards, cheese boards, just to name a few.

    • @jackpinnell3204
      @jackpinnell3204 4 года назад

      Hey Tim, kinda hit the nail on the head with the "life's story" part about wood working. In high school, I took shop classes cause that's what most of the guys did. A couple of summers I worked for GC building vacation homes and learned a lot from the foundation to the last shingle on the roof. Then life wasn't until a few years ago that I got into sort of a "handyman" career (retired) in a little town down in NC. Started with church projects at our church and doing some projects for some of the elderly at their homes. I recently acquired, rented, a small shop about 5 minutes from my house and started converting it into a 2 part shop, it was already divided, but I set up the smaller side to do wood working and larger side for some of my vehicle projects. I've learned SO much from RUclips and guys like you that are willing to help by sharing your story and what you've learned along the way in your woodworking journey. Glad I found you ans subscribed!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      @@jackpinnell3204 Thank you for sharing your story! I've learned so much from RUclips as well - its a great resource! Best of luck and thanks for subscribing!

    • @MichaelAlthauser
      @MichaelAlthauser 4 года назад

      Currently at "I'd love to build a bunch of things to improve my home" along with "Oh my god getting all of these tools is prohibitively expensive".

  • @Rory-ul9mk
    @Rory-ul9mk 8 месяцев назад +3

    I started woodworking in high school. I took a beginning shop class in my junior year. Then furniture design and another woodworking class my senior year. I made my own bedframe that I still use to this day (though i need to fix somethings) and a desk that I've sadly never used other than to put stuff on. I've been recently thinking about hobbies I'd like to do and I remembered how much I enjoyed woodworking class. I feel like this is something I could get into when I have my own space

  • @jvvanlue569
    @jvvanlue569 2 года назад +28

    Thank you bud. I'm a 35 yr old disabled vet unable to work because of a bum leg and im going stir crazy. I'm currently buying tools to start this adventure. Your advice will be greatly used. Thanks agian.

  • @austinlee5451
    @austinlee5451 4 года назад +23

    Man, this is the second vid of yours I watched and was legitimately surprised that you didn't have more than 4k followers. You're doing awesome!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thank you so much!

    • @mrgoodtime87
      @mrgoodtime87 4 года назад +2

      added 14k subs in 3 months. I'm definitely one of them. love the videos!!

    • @devcohen
      @devcohen 11 месяцев назад +2

      This comment aged REALLY well

  • @RoughGalaxyYT
    @RoughGalaxyYT 2 года назад +1

    I'm just playing around with the idea of getting into woodworking. I remember from back in my junior high days I enjoyed shop class, and being out of work I have the chance to try out some new hobbies and who knows, maybe some day it can even turn into providing for the family. I'll be checking out some other stuff here for sure.

  • @Iconicwedgeshape
    @Iconicwedgeshape 4 месяца назад

    This is what youtube is for. Thank you for sharing this man!

  • @jeremyreynolds9120
    @jeremyreynolds9120 2 месяца назад

    Thanks bro, looking to start. Not the same reasons to get started, but want to start non the less. I think I’ll start with a shop bench as you mentioned.

  • @jessicatran9139
    @jessicatran9139 3 года назад +1

    Planning each projects and practicality of using them into the shop, learning along the way, and safety steps when thing just happens and what to watch out for, along with what has mentioned here are good to learn too.

  • @aidansutton3161
    @aidansutton3161 7 месяцев назад

    You got my subscribe! I am almost completely new and trying to learn how to get into wood working. Your channel seems perfect. Your videos are well made, you’re well spoken, and seem very knowledgable. I also like how you came from not knowing anything to where you are now. Very relatable

  • @willmakesmusic4u
    @willmakesmusic4u 4 года назад +5

    I’ve been woodworking for about 4 years as a hobby and this channel is PERFECT for me. Love your approach and content. I don’t get much time in my shop but this has me reinspired. Keep making these great videos.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thanks, Will! I'll certainly try!

  • @jangarrett9394
    @jangarrett9394 2 года назад

    i just decided today that i want to start this new hobby - woodworking - wasn’t sure until i watched your video - thank you !!

  • @vinnbrock
    @vinnbrock 4 года назад +2

    Great video thank you. My wife and I are homeschooling our two kids, and we want to include woodshop in their curriculum. So these types of videos are great for all of us.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      That's awesome! What a great idea. Can't wait until my two little ones get a bit older so I can bring them into the shop too.

  • @anthonygalang4120
    @anthonygalang4120 4 года назад +1

    Dude... thanks so much for putting out this video. I love watching woodworking videos on YT but sometimes the "beginner" or "minimal tools" required on the videos that I watch aren't what they are. Props for putting up other channels you follow. You got yourself a new subscriber here.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thanks Anthony, I'm glad you liked the video and I appreciate your support! Wouldn't recommend watching my cutting board video 😂

  • @alexc7898
    @alexc7898 4 года назад +5

    Tim, thanks for this video. Very useful. I'm a beginner woodworker.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Of course, thanks for watching and I'm glad you found it helpful!

  • @Eastonjames98
    @Eastonjames98 4 года назад

    Working on a coffee bar right now similar to your other video. I’m making it longer by adding a vertical cabinet between the fridge and shelves. Thanks for all the insight!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      That's awesome! If you've got instagram, tag me on a pic when it's done.

  • @GirishRateshwar
    @GirishRateshwar 4 года назад +1

    I dont know why youtube recommended this video.. but im glad it did.. thanks for sharing.. learnt a lot..

  • @picklebuttcuttingboards9384
    @picklebuttcuttingboards9384 4 года назад

    Love to see more stuff on jig and best ways to use them

  • @kurtandsamanthameyer8693
    @kurtandsamanthameyer8693 4 года назад

    I'm definitely #3. We bought a foreclosure 4 years ago and my interest started with laying down laminate flooring in what is now my office. Bought a nice circular saw for that project and it left me wondering what else I could do. Now I have a pocket hole jig, orbital sander, and a nice double bevel miter saw. I'm doing basic furniture these days. Thanks for your videos. Nice to see someone with a similar perspective on the hobby!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      Thanks for sharing! Once you complete that first project, there's no stopping when it comes time to buying new tools and making more stuff!

  • @MrCpleht04
    @MrCpleht04 4 года назад

    My woodworking experience dates back to Woodworking I back in high school, with a little bit of carpentry to boot. I've always wanted to get back into woodworking and your video is easy to follow and is great for beginners. Great video!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      Thanks for watching and sharing your experience. I wish I had gotten into this at a younger age. My dad was always in the shop, but never had a desire to join and learn from him!

  • @NickonStark
    @NickonStark 4 года назад +1

    Kramer be vibin' in the shop.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      Haha Kramer keeps an eye out when I'm not there.

  • @faolandunphy5392
    @faolandunphy5392 4 года назад

    I am about to build that exact change table for our brand new twins (and 18 month old daughter). Just got my Kreg jig the other day.
    My technical school postponed, then canceled my 24 week carpentry program 4 weeks in because of COVID, so I'm trying to keep busy making things until I can get to work.
    Thanks for starting up this channel, I'll be following for sure.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Congratulations on the new additions to your family! I definitely learned a ton when I built that changing table. The Kreg jig made things so much easier. Hopefully you can return back to work soon. Thanks for the support!

  • @clickster1883
    @clickster1883 4 года назад +1

    I enjoyed this vid. I caught the woodworking bug from my dad. He built some beautiful things in his day. We’d have a ton of fun in the shop together if he were still around.
    First projects on the sked are a mobile stand for the shop vac and separator, then a mobile miter saw stand, followed by flip top mobile stands for the planer and for the belt/spindle sander that will double as work surfaces and outfeed tables for the table saw. It’s going to be fun, and many lessons will be learned, no doubt!
    Thanks for the list of others’ channels. I’m subscribed to several of them, but now need to go check out the others. Keep up the good work, dude.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      I appreciate you watching! Sounds like you've got some good projects ahead of you. The mobile stand for the shop vac and cyclone was one of my first projects. Best of luck!!

  • @joshuaandrew7491
    @joshuaandrew7491 4 года назад

    My first challenging project was a changing table / dresser for my son 16 years ago.

  • @seamusorooney1453
    @seamusorooney1453 4 года назад

    Great video with helpful information for us beginners. Thanks man!

  • @StreaminFreedom
    @StreaminFreedom 4 года назад

    Best newbie woodworker video I’ve watched. You will have 100k plus subs soon!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thank you, that means a lot - I sure hope so!

  • @THCAtomicjuice
    @THCAtomicjuice Год назад

    Do you have a video on different types of wood? And when to use which type?

  • @morganwildman5528
    @morganwildman5528 4 года назад +1

    I did wood working after school and haven't done it since, but I'd like to and this video is so helpful. And by school, I mean I was in grades 1-2. Now that I'm an adult and aiming to have a house in the next couple of years, it would be fantastic to take the same approach you naturally followed. Subbed. :)

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thanks for the support and glad to hear that my video was helpful. I'm right there with you, I think the first thing I built was a little shelf in grade school and then never touched a power tool until I bought a house. Collecting tools and building stuff is super fun and addicting. Best of luck!

  • @bv.hd883
    @bv.hd883 4 года назад

    I'm about to start my woodworking journey soon.. I got a handful of tools that I purchased/received as a gif along those years because I built/renovations 3 houses total. Dewalt 10in construction site tablesaw (although it doesn't support dados), DeWalt 12in mitersaw, Skillz router (although no table yet), not so many clamps (maybe 3-4 pipe clamps and 2 small clamps), a hand plane, chisels, skillsaw, oscilliating tool, dremel... Will definitely buy a Kreg Jig because I had one and I don't know where it is! I have my eyes on a planer but it's expensive. It's just a matter of taking time and learning about all the different kind of wood there is and their main function. My garage is a 24x26 and I have a crazy big amount of space for building a workbench first, and some stations afterwards. I won't even park the ATVs or any car in there .. just for maintenance lol
    I gotta find the guts to buy decent birch plywood to make some cabinets but it's crazy expensive here in Canada,Qc. And hard wood too is expensive so it's not easy to get started, make mistakes and not being ripped off.
    RUclips is indeed full of resources and I can't value how many hours I spent watching videos of you guys about making stuff and help people getting started with WW and even more complicated projects.
    Also worth mentionning the Woodwhisperer is a very good channel for fine woodworking once you reach a certain level of maturity in the process. Jay Bates has also very decent content. Those two guys are the first few channels I have sub to. And today, i'm gonna sub to yours because I like the approach you have and your video edits are well done too.
    Keep up the good work and keep sharing!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      Thanks for sharing! You definitely have a lot of good tools to get started and sounds like you've got the space for it too! Definitely start with some shop furniture - most of mine was built using cheap plywood and dimensional lumber, fairly inexpensive. And yes, I forgot about those channels as well, Marc and Jay are great resources too!

    • @bv.hd883
      @bv.hd883 4 года назад

      ​@@CasualBuilds I think my very first project will be a decent workbench made out of 2x4s and cheap ply (or at least, good on one side). Pocketholes to hide the screws and big wheels to support the weight. I wanna incorporate the small table saw at the end of it and maybe even the miter. Gotta hit Sketchup like I always did for my decks and renos :)
      Second to that will be the router table of course hehe
      Take care.

  • @ArtbyLysa
    @ArtbyLysa 2 года назад

    Thanks for this video!!

  • @thomasgojkovich5613
    @thomasgojkovich5613 4 года назад

    VERY helpful video. I am a beginning woodworker trying to learn as much as I can as I start this journey. Thanks for the advice!

    @PUBLICIDADECOS 4 года назад

    Glad to have found this channel ... Greetings from a new subscriber from México :)

  • @thealohajoe5662
    @thealohajoe5662 4 года назад

    Great Video. Very informative and great suggestions for the beginner..........that is me...........Thanks alot!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      I'm glad you found it helpful, thanks for watching!

  • @meanpaco
    @meanpaco 4 года назад

    Nice setup and really enjoy the production of the video. Also some great info. I started when I ended up working in a building supplies dept at a local big box store. I have done a lot of work around the house like deck rails, fences, and installing doors. Now I am trying to get into more finished wood working. Every video I watch teaches me a little more and shows me what tools to go on the wish list. Next project is a simple computer desk for my wife's home office.
    Thanks for the info again and I will be watching more. I definitely need to look into your dust collector setup!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +2

      Thanks! RUclips is a phenomenal resource for learning how to build things, but since many of the creators are sponsored/have awesome tools, it definitely makes you want to continue to add to that wish list 😂 I do have a video about my dust collection if you're interested as well!

  • @calebcarter4941
    @calebcarter4941 4 года назад

    Hey thanks for making this video. Knowing that you only started a few years ago is inspiring to me. Im just getting started in woodworking myself. I like the idea of being able to build and create things myself. Thanks again.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thank you for watching! There are two things that I've learned along the way that I think will help you as well - 1.) Don't get "paralysis by analysis" - start a project and figure it out as you go! 2.) "progress over perfection" - you will be your own worst critic when building things. don't point out your flaws in the project to others, because I'm sure they'll be impressed and won't be able to tell. Happy building!

    • @calebcarter4941
      @calebcarter4941 4 года назад

      @@CasualBuilds hey thank for reply to my post. I took your advice and committed to a project. Ive been abke to make a cutting board and some coasters that im really happy with. Thanks again for your videos and advice.

  • @terristroh3965
    @terristroh3965 5 лет назад

    My journey began at 51 after years of wishing I could build something. I started with rustic boxes from scrap fence pieces and screws. I have progressed through beginner woodworking classes with moderate success. In just 3 years time, I’ve made shop furniture, some tables and even some rings.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад

      Thank you for sharing your journey! A dining room table is on my list of projects, it seems daunting, but I just need to start. Best of luck!

  • @marlonmendoza2882
    @marlonmendoza2882 2 года назад

    What would be a simple project for newbies like me thanks.

  • @tommurphy5137
    @tommurphy5137 2 года назад

    Nice video!

  • @poppadingo
    @poppadingo 4 года назад

    Thank you for this, have only made some bleachers so far but would love to learn more.

  • @tomcromer
    @tomcromer 4 года назад

    Thanks for the info!

  • @Brigitte2x33
    @Brigitte2x33 4 года назад

    Thanks for another great video !

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thank you for another great comment!

  • @gregholtmeyer5430
    @gregholtmeyer5430 4 года назад

    Would you get a planer or desktop jointer first? I can't afford to get both at same time. I want to start off by making some cutting boards. Then move up to the rustic table like your changing table. Thanks. Im loving the videos.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Answered ya over at the other video, planer first. You can flatten boards at the planer using a jig, and get a clean edge with a jig over at the table saw.

  • @1Chongsdaughter
    @1Chongsdaughter 5 лет назад

    I’m not ready. I have the table saw, I have the space. I’m not really sure what’s holding me back other than fear. I have been following a few people, picking up ideas for things I will need. This is very helpful, thank you. One day, I’ll be as confident as you. One day soon...

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад +2

      There's one thing that I've hear through watching other videos and something I've heard at work too, it's "progress over perfection" and "paralysis by analysis". I've tried my hardest to overcome those - the biggest thing you can do is just get started and learn as you go. Good luck!

    • @1Chongsdaughter
      @1Chongsdaughter 5 лет назад

      Casual Builds thank you, friend. I’m taking a class here in Austin for beginners. I feel more comfortable with some one around helping me hands on. I am so excited. I’ll def let ya know how it goes from here out. Appreciate your videos & help.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад

      Looking forward to hearing how things go!

  • @peterg8752
    @peterg8752 4 года назад

    I'm just getting started. Thanks for the helpful videos. You need a Casual Builds hat.

  • @westonsmith7858
    @westonsmith7858 4 года назад

    Nice video. Thanks

  • @rm.builds
    @rm.builds 5 лет назад

    Great video, Tim! Glad to see your channel growing 🤙🏽

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks, Ryan! Did you catch a glimpse of your sticker on the cabinet at 4:09?

    • @rm.builds
      @rm.builds 5 лет назад

      Casual Builds I did not the first time, but now I do. Love it ❤️

  • @alexdivito6871
    @alexdivito6871 3 года назад

    Omg i'm terrified. I was thinking of trying to finish my basement but I have literally zero tools except for a drill. I feel like I would need to build so many things including a work bench before I would feel confident enough to tackle a basement finishing.. but at the same time, it would be cool to be able to build all the furniture for this house that I just purchased..

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  3 года назад

      It's exciting! I've made plenty of things on the floor in my garage with a drill and a saw.

  • @couz10
    @couz10 3 года назад


  • @20TheGame09
    @20TheGame09 4 года назад

    Very first project I did was a three tiered planter box.

  • @Jeff_Eats_Local
    @Jeff_Eats_Local 5 лет назад

    Great video Tim! Very informative!

  • @WhiteLabWorkshop
    @WhiteLabWorkshop 5 лет назад

    Great recap! Would you see the jointer as necessary with the planer? And have you found yourself wishing you had a bigger jointer at any time? I’m trying to decide if I should get a planer, or if I should wait and get a planer and a jointer together.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад +1

      Thanks! To answer your question, it depends. I got my planer a year or so before my jointer and primarily used it for planing down cutting boards after I glued them up. But now, I pretty much use the two together. Yes, I wish I had a bigger jointer. At some point, I'd like to try and make a dining room table and there's absolutely no way I can use that jointer for that haha

  • @wr22atwill
    @wr22atwill 5 лет назад

    Awesome video!!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад

      Appreciate it, man. Glad you enjoyed!

  • @sali9821
    @sali9821 4 года назад

    Can I use a portable table saw installed in a work bench to extend the table top?
    Also, which table saw can accept a dato blade? I cannot find much information on this.

  • @lupem.6775
    @lupem.6775 9 месяцев назад

    I’m starting today lol.

  • @H_Town_Raised713
    @H_Town_Raised713 4 года назад

    I’m just barely going to get into wood working myself. I have a handsaw, jigsaw, belt sander, and a orbital sander. What would be the next must have tool for me to start off with? BTW love the chnanel

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Thanks you! It really depends on what you plan on building. I'm not sure if you checked out the channels HomeMadeModern or Modern Builds, but those guys swear by the jigsaw, sander, and a circular saw and have made a ton of great projects with just those 3 tools (including a drill).

  • @jetdr
    @jetdr 4 года назад

    Just getting into woodworking, also just found your site on RUclips, I am going to take your advice and start making stuff for around my shop and house. picked up a Basic Kreg Jig, they are simple yet amazing. will need to a Jointer and Planer, do you recommend a combo of those?

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Depends on what you plan on making! If you were thinking about both of those, yes get them if you can. If you can only get one, I'd recommend a planer first. Good luck!

  • @LuckyFoxes789
    @LuckyFoxes789 4 года назад

    All my tools are for machines lol! Well looks like I'm going to feed my tool addiction a bit more!!!!

  • @kwaterfall1783
    @kwaterfall1783 4 года назад

    I love your channel! How did you make your Miter Saw station? My biggest dilemma with woodworking is I often can’t cut the wood myself because it’s so long and I need someone to hold it. But I would love to just go to my garage and cut it all myself for my projects!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      Thank you! My miter saw station was a very easy project and one of the first project I made for the shop. I ended up purchasing a set of plans from I Like To Make Stuff. It's been a huge help for exactly what you said.

    • @kwaterfall1783
      @kwaterfall1783 4 года назад

      Casual Builds awesome thank you! I actually just finished watching his video and will now probably purchase the plans so I can build one! 😁 Can’t wait to be able to more easily build things and experiment with woodworking!

  • @kimthomas2251
    @kimthomas2251 4 года назад

    Can you tell which cnc you choose and why?

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      I gave a quick explanation of that in my recent custom name sign video!

  • @binerman1366
    @binerman1366 5 лет назад +1

    Found you through your sister...the AT hiker!

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад

      Thanks for checking out my channel as well!

  • @Ryan-yp4ik
    @Ryan-yp4ik 4 года назад

    What clamps do you use ?

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +1

      I use pipe clamps for a while when I got started.

  • @triangle9981
    @triangle9981 5 лет назад

    Hey Tim, where do you get your lumber? Also I didn't see a link for a table saw (unless I missed it)

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  5 лет назад +2

      Hey Patrick - I just added the table saw to the description, it's the Delta 36-725. As far as lumber, it depends, I'll either go to Lowes/Home Depot, the town lumber yard, I'll sometimes order online through and lastly, there's a nice lumber yard in Stoughton, MA (Downs & Reader / Ruby).

  • @freddygonzales6838
    @freddygonzales6838 4 года назад

    I am beginner too I want to buy a table saw. Which one do you recommend?

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      I have the Delta 36-725 and enjoy it. Do some research though!

  • @flamurtarinegjakyt3745
    @flamurtarinegjakyt3745 4 месяца назад

    I need a garage 😅

  • @freddyguajardo3654
    @freddyguajardo3654 4 года назад

    What type of cnc are you using? I want to buy something like that.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      It's the X-Carve made by Inventables.

  • @rickyzamora8202
    @rickyzamora8202 5 месяцев назад

    Looking for a new hobby and imma get the tools to build a bird house as my first project wish me luck

  • @antoniabaker7770
    @antoniabaker7770 5 лет назад

    Congrats Tim, on baby Chloe

  • @reeceyoung3161
    @reeceyoung3161 4 года назад

    Considering you make alot of projects why haven't you upgraded your mitre saw to a sliding one it would make your life alot easier it did for me switching from non sliding to sliding

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад

      Great question and you know, hasn't really ever bothered me. I prefer using my cross cut sled on the table saw and really only use the miter saw to rough cut 2x4s and don't need a slide for that. Also, had a few other tools I wanted to buy first (that I didn't have) before upgrading the ones that I already own. Ya know?

    • @reeceyoung3161
      @reeceyoung3161 4 года назад

      @@CasualBuilds yh i get you

  • @aliash8599
    @aliash8599 5 лет назад

    Your sister said you had a baby girl, congratulations!!!

  • @AlanTherby
    @AlanTherby 4 года назад

    Sure. I have several thousand dollars to buy these tools with.

    • @CasualBuilds
      @CasualBuilds  4 года назад +2

      You don't have to do it all at once..